What is this?

On the first working Monday of every month (Monday is one of my busiest days) I will donate the daily income of Chocolate Tortoise to a selected charity, and post to this blog detailing the charity chosen. This blog is not intended to tell the world how generous I am. I am less generous than many people. The blog is intended to firstly log who I have donated to, and secondly to hopefully inspire others to do the same, or similar. For more information, see my first post.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

October 2016 - British Hen Welfare Trust

I spotted an advert for this charity in my vets. As a vegetarian of over 30 years, one of the reasons I gave up meat was the intensive battery farming for eggs that was prevalent in the 70s and 80s. Luckily those methods have been banned in the UK for a while now, but still happen elsewhere in the world, and even though intensive battery farming methods are no longer legal in the UK, many methods are still, in my view, cruel. Even Free Range eggs can be produced using only slightly better conditions (but any step in the right direction is a bonus!). For those that may be interested, Organic have far better welfare standards.

Image result for british hen welfare trust

The British Hen Welfare Trust promote better conditions in the egg industry, and rehome hens that are retired, or rescued, from the industry, saving them from slaughter.


A number of my clients have rehomed ex-battery hens. They are happy and healthy and it is always good to see them pecking around when I visit.

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