What is this?

On the first working Monday of every month (Monday is one of my busiest days) I will donate the daily income of Chocolate Tortoise to a selected charity, and post to this blog detailing the charity chosen. This blog is not intended to tell the world how generous I am. I am less generous than many people. The blog is intended to firstly log who I have donated to, and secondly to hopefully inspire others to do the same, or similar. For more information, see my first post.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

July 2016 - Disability Challengers

The chosen charity for July is Disability Challengers

I'm quite picky about the charities I choose to donate to. There are so many to choose from, and whilst they all support good causes, I like to know that my donation will be well spent (not spent on door-to-door charity collectors, for example) and I have other, ethical and moral, reasons for not donating to certain charities (non testing on animals, for example). It can be quite difficult finding suitable charities to donate to, especially when I am more keen to support smaller, local charities, than large, multi-national charities (with their highly paid executive salaries to support!). So I read with interest any local reports on nearby charities.

This month I spotted a write up in my local magazine, the Oxted Local, about a playscheme in nearby Godstone, for disabled children. I liked the ethos of the charity - enabling parents and carers who have a tough time of things 24/7 to take a break, while allowing their disabled children to play and learn in a protected environment. The fact that the playschemes also allow non-disabled children to come along too is great - the more exposure children have to children of other abilities, races, backgrounds etc, the more tolerant our society will (hopefully!) become.

So all in all, a good charity, and well deserved of my July donation.

Information from their website (http://www.disability-challengers.org/):

Challengers is an independent children's charity that, for more than 30 years, has developed and delivered inclusive play and leisure for disabled children and young people across Surrey, Hampshire and increasingly the surrounding areas. The charity is based in Guildford (at 'Challengers Guildford Playcentre', our headquarters and one of our full time playcentres). In 2014 we delivered more than 138,000 hours for 1,300 disabled children. These services were delivered at Challengers Guildford and Farnham Centres as well as schemes based at schools and community youth centres all through the year.
Challengers has developed an approach that has established the confidence and respect of families and partners (including local authorities and private donors). Our approach is guided by a commitment never to exclude any child or young person and works towards providing fun normal play and leisure experiences for disabled children and young people. All this is done in a positive, intelligent, non-institutional environment.
Challengers play and youth schemes are where disabled children and young people feel that they belong, are safe, have fun and make friends. At every Challengers play and youth scheme there are lots of enthusiastic staff so that children and young people will always have someone to play and be with. The wide range of activities that we provide means that we can offer disabled young people something to do and somewhere to go from the age of 2 to 25.